Monday, June 22, 2015

Don't Wake Me Up

Don't wake me up,
I'm looking for you in my dreams,
As the sunlight forces my eyes to shut,
I lost you, a gasp I took...
I fell asleep again- don't wake me up!

As I walk through this crazy maze,
I find many lost souls and discover myself,
I don't know how I lost touch with reality,
Don't wake me up, I am trying to find myself.

Night brings not me to sleep,
If this is all, it must be my lone fall,
If this is all a dream please don't wake me up,
Let me sleep and wake up the warmth of your touch,
And the sparkling wonder in your eyes...wake me up then.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

My Piece of Heaven (Haiku)

Her silky long hair,
Flow like the great Zambezi,
Steadily it goes.

Soft to my touch,
I feel her caramel skin
And melt in delight.

Her lips so tender,
Keep me longing for a kiss,
O' I feel like a child.